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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  February 27, 2013 10:00am-11:00am PST

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to reduce carbon emissions. look at that. >> they are adorable. they are really cute. but you said that they are actually dangerous in real life? >> yeah. i'm going to go now. your day isn't done. mine is. you are done with me? >> i am. >> i'll see you tomorrow. thank you, michael. cnn "newsroom" continues. once in a lifetime journey, the mission mars, how a nonprofit group is planning to fly by the big red planet. we are just moments from hearing all of the details. then, they joined facebook to connect with friends. instead, they were recruited into sex trafficking. and many companies are saving money by letting employees work from home but yahoo! is reversing course telling employees to get back into the office. is this the end of working from
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home? we're going to hear from the reporter who broke the story. this is cnn "newsroom" and i'm suzanne malveaux. happening right now, california senator dianne feinstein presiding over a hearing over legislation that she wants enacted to ban assault weapons. right? well, just moment ago, things got pretty heated between south carolina lindsey graham. >> if this is such an important issue, why aren't we prosecuting the 15 questions there. they are not hard to understand if you are filling out the form. i'm a bit frustrated that we say one thing, how important it is, and then in the real world we do absolutely nothing to enforce the laws on the books. now, let's talk -- >> let me just for the record, from my point of view, senator -- >> how many cases have you made? >> it doesn't matter. it's a paper thing. i want to stop 76 -- want to finish the answer. >> no.
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>> i want to stop 76,000 people from buying guns illegally. that's a what a background check does. paperwork prosecutions you're wrong. >> how many cases have -- >> please, no expressions one way or another and let's keep this recognized for civility. >> quite a heated exchange there. and actually saved by a people. this hour as well, the parents of a transgender 6-year-old are seeing a lawsuit against their child's school. coy mathis was born a boy but
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now the school has had a change of heart. more on the controversy from our affiliate kktv. >> reporter: this is 6-year-old coy who was born a boy but now lives life as a girl. >> when 18 months when she could talk, she was a dwirl. she liked girls things. >> reporter: coy is now in first grade. she was going to eagle elementary school where she was treated as a girl. >> after she did transition and was able to live as a girl as her true self, the difference was amazing. her anxiety went away. >> the family got this letter from the school district. it says that coy was born a male and some students are likely to become uncomfortable with his continued use of the bathroom. >> it's not a safe environment
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for her. >> reporter: coy is now home-schooled. a lot of the parents in the neighborhood didn't want to talk but one mom says she admires the parent for sticking up for her child but ultimately agrees with the school. >> from a parental standpoint, i think that the school district did the right thing. >> so coy's parents are going to appear on cnn's "starting point" to explain what is happening with their child and the school district. happening right now, scientists are laying out a plan to send a man and woman from toert mars. not sigh general fiction. there is a group of space travelers who say it's absolutely doable and they are pitching their vision right now at a news conference in washington. it is not nasa. these are private investors with big money and big dreams. they want to send two people in a rocket that is already made on a round trip journey to mars that would take more than 500 days. pretty cool stuff.
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ambitious as well. i want to bring in chad myers and john zarrella. john, tell us about the group who is making the plans. i understand it's rich folks who have a dream, yes? possibly to make it happen? >> yeah. they are going to need a lot of money. that's for sure. inspiration mars foundation and the guy that's behind all of this is dennis tito. he was a one-time nasa jet propulsion engineer. he's made millions of dollars in the private sector. he was the first space tourist back in 2001 flying to the international space station on a russian rocket. that trip cost him $20 million. he's got deep pockets. to pull this off, they are going to need about $1 billion. they have a lot of fundraising to do. 501 days. they are not landing on mars. that's the key. it's a lot cheaper if you're just going to fly around and not
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land. a man and woman, preferably they'd like to send a married couple as well up to mars and, you know, there's a lot of risks, a lot of challenges to do this but they believe they can pull it off in 2018 when mars is about as close as it comes to earth. but boy, that's a tall order. >> real quick question. why a married couple? you would think they would drive each other crazy up there. that's a challenge to the marriage, i think. >> 501 days in a small-space capsule, the belief is that rather than two men, you don't want to send strangers up there. it might work out better. and they want this couple to be older and out of the child bearing years because of the issue of radiation exposure. >> all right. that makes some sense there. i'm going to bring in chad to
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talk about -- can they even survive this mission? is that possible? what do we know about this? >> here are the numbers. it was hard enough for us to get to the moon with people in the space capsule. that was a quarter of a mile general miles away. this will be 35 million miles away. 35 million mile journey. tough multiply that. it's so much further away from what the moon is. this may be the greatest obstacle to getting back there alive. pushing out big time radiation. it's not going to be well-protected. it's almost like doing a spacewalk at all times. they are going to have to in the next five or six years how to protect that man and woman from the radiation. it's out there. we don't feel it here. we get sunburns, of course, but we have an atmosphere to protect us. >> chad, i understand the timing is critical, right? >> yes.
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>> it's five years from now. why is that significant? because we're 220 million miles away. we would never get there and back. they would be too old. what happens in 2008, we have this approach of mars to our rotation around the sun and we're as close as we're ever going to get until 231 again and that's only a 30 to 32-million mile distance. that's when we're the closest. remember we talked about a window of a launch for a shuttle? >> yep. >> it's there because it has to catch the iss. the international space station. the window to catch mars is coming up in eight years. >> cool stuff. i love this stuff. chad, john, thank you very much. many companies are saving money by letting their employees work at home but now yahoo! is reversing course telling their employees to get back to the office. is this the end to working from home? plus, they joined facebook
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connecticut, are on capitol hill and they are pushing for a ban on assault weapons. the message is very touching. just watch. >> jesse was brutally murdered at sandy hook school on december 1420 minutes after i dropped him off. >> erin's third grade son bear was in the front hallway of sandy hook elementary school when the shooling began and a teacher saved his life. erin is joining us from washington. erin, it's been almost two months now and there's a lot of people who are still struggling. first of all, just give us a sense of how you and bear and your family are doing right now. >> we are doing as well as can be expected. our entire community is struggling and we will struggle for quite some time.
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all things considered, we're back to a new normal routine and i'm just trying to move forward. >> erin, can you tell us what it is like to be in that room? we saw that gentleman there very emotional about losing his own child. i can imagine that there's a lot of things you're thinking about and feeling when you're in that room and you hear that day being replayed over and over. >> it's particularly emotional. i don't think there were hardly any of us there with dry eyes and yet we've heard these stories before. so i think the impact on the legislators and those of you at home watching will be pretty strong, too. you can't hear these stories and not be touched. this was just a tragedy. and. >> and erin, we certainly are touched. there's a lot of background noise because you're in the halls of congress. if you can speak up a little
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bit. >> sure. >> tell us about -- we've seen members of congress, we've seen senator graham and this police chief from milwaukee get into a rather contentious argument over this assault weapons ban. what do you believe should happen in that room to convince people that these kind of weapons should not be allowed? >> i don't think any of us want any legislation pushed through that is not absolutely, positively understood vetted. we need to educate ourselves. we need to make sure that we're doing the right thing without encroaching on the rights of those who need weapons for hunting, for sports, and those that feel they are better protected with the with a weapon. i don't think it's particularly helpful to ask questions and not wait for the answers if you've got people testifying. i believe that most people are
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listening quite intently and i hope the testimony will give the legislators a different view. >> do you ever want to say, knock it out? cut it out? we're trying to make a point here and it seems like a lot of people in washington are just talking over each other or they are simply arguing. you don't have are that kind of -- the kind of discourse, i guess, that people are looking for. >> if you're talking, you can't hear. you can't listen. and it's not a conversation. so i would encourage all of the lawmakers to really, really try to listen to each other. there is common ground here. i think there's a fair amount of common ground here. i think we can make even small changes that will make a big difference. i know particularly with assault weapons the claim is that the percentage of crimes committed with these weapons is not large
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but every percentage point is a human being and it's very easy to not think that 3% is significant until that 3% is somebody that you loved. i think coming here from newtown to support these hearings has been important because we are the ones who are the faces of this and we are there to remind them that these are real people, real lives, and real tragedies and they are preventible. not all of them. we understand that we will not eliminate evil from the world but we need to reduce violence in our society and we need to prevent these senseless acts. >> erin, thank you so much. really appreciate you talking with us and the best to you, your family, and your son bear as well. we're also focusing on forced budget cuts that will happen on friday. how hundreds of illegal immigrants were once held in jails have now been released. ♪
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pope benedict xvi spending his last full day as pope delivered his last speech. tens and thousands of people gathered in st. peter's square to hear him and see him. the pope recalled moments of joy
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and light during his last eight years leading the church but he said there were difficult times as well, which he said, and i'm quoting here, seemed like the lord was sleeping. the pope also talked about his resignation, calling it a touch decision to make. military officials in afghanistan want to make something clear. they cannot say, they are talking about a mistake in a military report that showed violent attacks in afghanistan were down in 2012. well, they were not. and here's the problem. nato has been justifying the troop drawdown with stats that show that the country is less violent now. a new fixed report says that the number of deadly attacks has not changed much. a majority of u.s. troops to leave afghanistan this year. it is unlikely that the president and congress are going to stop the forced spending cuts taking place in just two days. but at least they say they are
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planning to talk about it. congressional leaders have now been invited to the white house on friday. this is the same day that the $85 billion in cuts are going to start taking effect. so you're probably wondering what does this mean for me? how could they affect me? there would be fewer fda inspections of food manufacturers. as many as 70,000 kids would lose access to head start and unemployment benefits cut by 9.4%. fewer meals for seniors and might be waiting longer at airport security checks. i want to bring in our cnn anchor of the lead chief jake tapper. let's start off with this meeting on friday. these are the day that the cuts are going to take effect. it looks like a transparent photo op. what do we expect? >> there are those in congress that share that view. they feel this is a photo op,
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that if the president wanted to negotiate, why not have a meeting today or tomorrow? the white house says that's not the case at all. first of all, there is a senate vote tomorrow on a bill that would help to avoid these spending cuts and that's one of the reasons they are waiting until friday and then just as a purely political matter, once the cuts take place on friday, the white house will have a little more leverage to try to force the republicans to compromise on raising taxes which is an effort of the automatic spending cuts. >> jake, we've already started to see effects of the spending cuts. the white house has certainly been portraying really sort of a dooms day scenario, if you will, in the days to come. immigration officials now announcing they have plans to release several hundred folks, illegal immigrants, in this country who are -- who have been detained and the white house, i guess, was not completely aware
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that that was going to take place. what has this been about? >> well, the white house says that this was a clear immigration bureaucrat who made this decision as a way to try to save money and that they were not aware of it. the leadership of the blanket organization that controls immigration, the department of homeland security, they said they did not know about it. republicans in congress say they need to get to the bottom of it. the chairman of the house homeland security just sent a letter demanding letters from the head of the immigration service trying to find out more. we should say, most of these individuals, if not all, are people who have small misdemeanor violations of the law, not dangerous criminal cans that have been let out. this is a larger strategy by the administration to try to get support for a compromise for these forced budget cuts by
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trying to get people to see the kinds of things that may happen. >> jake, good to see you, as always. the right to vote, quite undeniably, one of our most cherished ideals. the supreme court now taking a hard look when we come back.
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is voting right acts still necessary or is it an outdated concept of the civil rights movement? the case considered one of the most important that the justices are going to tackle this term. lawmakers rallied outside the courthouse. they called on the court to keep the law in place because the voting rights of minorities are still in jeopardy. >> for those who say that they are already because we got a black president, let them come to alabama. the state of alabama and
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mississippi where the voting rights act was considered to be the most needed, these states gave barack obama fewer votes in the nation. racism, racism, racism is very much alive. >> the right to vote is still under attack. last year, the voter i.d. laws and the long lines and the ending early voting and the stopping sunday to the polls show that jim crow's son, is still trying to do what his daddy did and that's rob us from the right to vote. >> i want to bring in our political analyst, roland martin and douglas brinkley. >> roland, it looks like they may strike down part of the law. do we believe that is true and what is potentially the dangerous of that?
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>> suzanne, i've been talking to a number of civil rights advocates and they have been warningi warning this for the past six to mine months. and so for them to now be looking at it again four years later, they believe they are going to do that. it's amazing at the rosa parks statue unveiling. here you have republicans and democrats talking about rosa marks and fighting for the right to vote and just across the street you have the supreme security court hearing this case. many are fearful they are going to absolutely do that and we saw the voter suppression last year. the vra stopped voter i.d. taxes in texas. this is a huge issue that cannot be ignored. >> we saw the head of the naacp weighing in there outside of the courthouse. how is he responding to the case that some folks are making that it's a hold-over from the civil rights era and it's not necessary? >> here's the deal.
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look at last year. look at what happened when efforts were made to stop sunday voting, when you look at the changing of voting hours also in florida. all of those were efforts put in place by republican legislators after 2008. nobody can desicide that. and so, look, you can say we're not targeting any race but we know exactly what the purpose was. suzanne, one of the reasons why you saw significant black turnout in ohio and other states, people were angry last year about voter suppression efforts and what they are saying is, look, we've done well and the reason we are doing well now voting is because you have the federal government who says you've got to free clear any changes of voting in those locales. it's critically important. >> tell us what it was like before you had the voting rights act in place in 1965.
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>> well, rosa parks, during world war ii, they gave her a bunch of jim crow voting laws, questions on the constitution. they wouldn't let her vote in alabama and she was going to take it to the courts. she eventually got the right to vote and she fought hard for it and in the 1960s, rosa parks wasn't just the person who sat on the bus in montgomery in 1955. she walked. she protested. she marched on behalf of the voting rights act from montgomery to alabama. so as roland said, a wonderful moment of unveiling a statue and then having this happen at the same time, they brought it into the conversation. >> that's exactly right. let's talk about rosa parks because you have an op-ed that has just come out here. we see the president unveiling the rosa parks statue. you think she might be embarrassed somewhat by this? >> well, certainly be embarrassed by the voting rights
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situation going on right now but more than that, she was a very self-deprecating individual. she didn't do anything to make herself look good. she was about grassroots activists and when i interviewed her for my biography, her big heroine and barack obama needs to sign a national monument to save the harriet sites in auburn, new york, and cambridge, massachusetts. one executive in the legacy could be saved and that's something that was cared mightily about. >> one of the things that people don't know is it was very strategic to put her on that bus and have her to be able to lead the charge there, it wasn't something like she was this meek, mild woman but she had had the background, the profile of someone who could carry a movement. >> precisely, suzanne. i think a lot of people forget
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that. >> she was the secretary for the naacp for mr. nixon and did all of this work. she would interview black women raped in alabama and it's not about one moment, it's about a lifetime of commitment to civil right. she was polite. and she was a courageous civil rights warrior and it's right that we're honoring her with a statue it's right across from jefferson davis and so, again, quite interesting that on one side looking across at rose is sa parks, that would be one heck of a conversation. >> absolutely. >> thank you very much. great to see you. >> thank you. we're just getting new details now on a death of an
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american musician. ♪ "time" magazine calling van cliburn the texan who concurred russia. he became an international star, made the first-class cal record to go platinum. van cliburn suffered from bone cancer. he was 78 years old. looking forw smartphone. let's go. we've got a samsung galaxy sii on t-mobile monthly4g for only $299 with no annual contract. nice! [ earl ] see for yourself. get the samsung galaxy s ii on t-mobile's nationwide 4g network. walmart. [ man ] on in 5! [ female announcer ] it works as hard as you do... to outlast your day. [ man ] action! wow! [ female announcer ] secret outlast clear gel is better than the next leading invisible solid on white marks. secret outlast clear gel.
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the new ceo at yahoo! ending the decision to work from home. cnn talked to one of those mothers. >> reporter: a new mom approximately polled alyssa meyer last year. >> i was able to get a john when
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i was seven months pregnant and continue working right to the moment i gave birth. >> reporter: but she desperately disagrees with the yahoo!'s latest move to put an end to its flexible work policy and make everyone come to the office zip don't know exactly what she's thinking. i'm sure she's got the best interest of the company and her employees in mind. but in my experience, having that flexibility is helpful and you're able to continue to contribute and be productive. >> the backlash against yahoo! has been mostly one-sided but donald trump tweeted that she's right to expect employees to come to the workplace but most others disagree, google, facebook, and hp defended flexible work policies and richard branson wrote, we like to give people the freedom to work where they want. >> i think it's incredibly disappointing and incredibly backward thinking and i think
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they are shooting themselves in the foot. >> yahoo!'s ban will put the company in a clear minority. while only 10% of employees work from home on a regular basis, 98% of companies today offer employees at least one type of telework option. flexible work policies increased worker productivity, higher retention rate and better overall performance. >> i once worked with a guy who played solitaire for four hours a day in my news room. >> i wasn't planning to go back to work anyway. it's more allowing the flexibility to be able to continue and not disrupt my life. >> yahoo! responded to the backlash tuesday night and the company said, don't discuss internal matters. this is what is right about yahoo! right now. >> so what could this mean for the future of those working from
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home? plus, we're going to hear from the reporter who actually broke that story, up next. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is! so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. how did i know? well, i didn't really. see, i gured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive... but when i started losing energy and became moody... that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor.
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call with yahoo! officials. she joins us by phone. was there any news in this news conference with yahoo!? >> no, they are not talking to me. they don't talk to any reporters. so far the cfo hasn't addressed the issue. >> obviously reporters allowed to get on that call and listen in, quite typical here. >> uh-huh. >> give us a sense, first of all, you got wind of this story. there's been incredible backlash. explain what has happened since this change in policy at yahoo! >> yes, there has. i actually tried to get yahoo! to comment. i thought it would be a backlash and they didn't feel like they needed to comment, calling it an internal story. i wrote the story after i got the memo. they rushed out that memo to tell the employees what was going on. i think they were going to do it very quietly. the memo was somewhat -- it was a little of what they meant and not empathetic.
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i'm not sure -- i think the memo was badly done. >> a lot of people have been weighing in. do you think there's going to be an impact, based on your story. people are looking at whether it's a good idea or bad idea, whether it sets people back. whether this is something that a female in the company has done. >> you know, i think there are some areas ever anomaly. i don't think she will have an impact of other companies. ten or 12 of the big ones in the silicon family do not do this. she feels the situation at the company is dire. you would think she could just fire the people at home that are not working out. there are others at yahoo! not doing a good job either. it's become a big work at home
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issue and doing a blanket was a little drastic. it's her company. she can do whatever she wants. it shouldn't affect -- people are moving in this direction all over the place. and so, you know, we'll see. but i'm not sure what will happen with yahoo! but it won't change the fact of people working at home. >> kara, let us know if you get any information from the conference call. people have concerns. alison is senior vice president and general counsel at a company called glass door. it's a social media job site. alison, you've got this situation at yahoo!. there to help shore up the company, she's been struggling a little bit. do you think this hurts the publicity, first of all? >> that's a good question. i think it is the right decision for yahoo! at this moment in
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time. they are in a turnaround. i agree it's a right decision for them. >> why so? >> look, i think she's -- marissa is sending a strong message that she wants all hands on deck. she wants everybody in the of and the collaboration that can comes with that. there's a more subtle message that there are probably underperformers that she also is trying to get back into a more higher performing mode. so she's sending a strong message and from a recruiting perspective it will be more difficult for them. when we do surveys of employees, the number one people thing people want is salary and then job location. it's important to people to be able to work close to home or at home. it will hurt them in the short term. >> do you think there's a point to be made here? a lot of people are very angry with her decision and say less flexibility here, you see report after report, time after time, the more flexibility you have, the more productive your workers
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are. and these are the working moms that are going to get primary impact. >> i think that's true. like i said, i think it was a very difficult decision and i think there are a lot of disappointed remote employees at yahoo! right now and i can certainly understand why. that being said, i will say, if you look at melissa myers ratings on glass door of ceos, she has an extremely high rating. she ranks in at an 87% rating which is way higher than the average ceo. she's clearly doing something right. employees are happy with her performance in general. >> allyson, thank you. i appreciate your perspective as well. this is something that we're going to be talking about for quite some time. we'll see if other companies follow through. thank you. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. beer drinkers out there, you've got to pay attention to this one. anheuser-busch now accused of watering down its beer. how much? we're going to explain, up next.
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a sinking boat off of monterey, california, actually might have been a hoax. the coast guard called off the search for the people that distressed call claimed were in a boat, but the search has already cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. so, if you were pushed to get a four year degree college, college degree, you know, you were probably told it would get you a good job. a new study now says going to a community college could actually be more profitable.
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georgetown university study finds almost 30% of americans with associates degrees, well, they make more than those with bachelor degrees. and associates degree is a two year degree you get at a community college and it is typically cheaper. instagram popular photo sharing network site reaching a milestone, 100 million monthly active users. the site was purchased by facebook last year. even though the 100 million followers doesn't compare to the more than 1 billion users who logon to facebook each month, still pretty impressive, i think. the photo sharing sight only three years old, users have to have an iphone, of course, android device to actually create this account. so say it ain't so. this is for the beer lovers. anheuser-busch, couple of folks in california accusing the company of watering down its
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beers. two californians filed the suit saying the alcohol level, well, below the advertised figure 5% by volume. the suit names all the beers in the graphic here including bud light, michelob and busch ice. they're calling the claims false and the lawsuit is groundless. the suit is seeking more than $5 million to fund -- to correct that advertising campaign. and then, they joined facebook to connect with friends, right? like all of us do. instead, they were recruited into sex trafficking. up next. (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted "best investment services company."
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it is a growing problem, something that all of us need to be aware of. social media sites are being used now to recruit underaged sex workers. lori siegel reports that it all starts with just the click of a mouse. >> reporter: it started with a friend request on facebook. >> -- accept him and then once i accept him, they would message me. >> reporter: they quickly developed a relationship. >> he told me the biggest dream in the world. i thought he really did like me and we were going to live this fairy tale life together. >> reporter: what she got was a nightmare. >> he pretty much was, like, i'm going to put you outside, and you're going to walk, and catch dates. i was okay with it because i liked him.
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he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, wanted to have kids. he really made it believable. >> reporter: in a mouse click, nina became part of the growing number of victims recruited into sex trafficking on social networks. the other end of her friend request, a pimp. >> i've been beaten with a pistol. i've been duct taped and put in a closet for 24 hours. >> the money part. i wanted money. that's why i did it. >> reporter: lisa, who asked us to hide her identity, was trafficked for much of her life. she's free now, but still receives more than 20 messages a day from pimps. >> what's up with you, cutie. >> reporter: pimps are using many different social networks to do everything from connect to brag about money. >> oftentimes there is lot of pictures. just money. almost all of our girls who are working with now aged 11, all the way up to 22, they are being
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recruited online. this facebook, it is tagged, which a lot of people don't know, sort of like i call it the creepy facebook, and then twitter, actually, instagram, to a smaller degree. >> reporter: andrea powell's organization fair locates and rescues trafficked women like nina. >> pimps will look for girls who are really looking isolated. so girls who are maybe dressed provocatively, or look like they only have a few friends. >> minors will friend people whether they know them or not, just to appear to be popular. and somebody who is a pimp can use that information to start looking at what makes a person tick. >> reporter: pimps were doing exactly that. in virginia's affluent fairfax county. revealed in a major 2012 case, gang members were using social networking sites like facebook to solicit women. one of the defendants sent over 800 solicitations on facebook. many to women still in high